05 April 2006

Grave Vision

At about half past midnight, I bed down after finishing a chapter of Breaking Open the Head, and don't immediately drift off into sleep. Eyes tight shut, I fall into more an hallucination than a dream. (I would like to posit that by 'hallucination' I don't mean a made-up visual game, but rather a lucid trance with an impressive air of importance and reality to it).

It was quite simple and quick: I was looking forward into a dug-out area, a deep and definite trench, like a grave. It was startling, but as I was conscious of what it was, I chose to neither succumb to nor deny the terror (ie, "feeling of reality"), but decided to go ahead with it. We/I fell forward into the grave; then standing in it, I looked straight forward at its dark dirt headwall.

If a standard grave is six feet deep, then my eyes, physically, should be just about ground-level. But I was deep enough into this pit to be significantly below the surface. I wonder if this is linked at all to how I, occasionally, feel a whole lot taller than I remember being. (Similarly, in a "regular" not-so-lucid dream later the same night, I was conversing with a Bob Saget/Dave Bishop character who was significantly taller than me, though not so in waking life).

I get the impression I am being tested, or perhaps introduced to something.