14 September 2006

So that's how it is.

The other day at school:

Mark (RTech instructor): ...and where are you from?
Me: Sarnia, Ottawa, Toronto.
Mark: Ah. You look like you're from Toronto.
Me: That's not very nice!
Mark: Naw, I just mean you have that look of slick confidence about you.

Just a shout out to me at 13, to say that it's worth it, it's working, and keep at it. Believe in yourself!

11 September 2006


I learned something in class today. Metalocalypse is an animation on Adult Swim about the metal band Dethklok. It's from the dude who brought you Home Movies and uses a Beavis and Butthead style of animation. Actually it's a lot like B & B. But "blacker than the blackest black, times infinity!"

Intro song is here. The rest is on youtube.

02 September 2006


I remember recently saying that the only way I would ever own a car is if I won one, or if one was given to me. Well about two weeks ago the latter came true, and now I'm the owner of a flashy, sporty, chicks-dig-it, guys-get-jealous 1992 Mercury Topaz.

My grandmother gave it to me as a gift, and since it was a grandmother's car, it's nearly in mint condition. It's fifteen years old and I drove it past the 17,000 km mark. Me da and I have been fixing and tweaking, having fun working on this little project. You might be surprised that I can fit in it. We might take out the driver's seat and move the bracings further back... then add some hydraulics, lower it down, put on some spinners and a 120w sub in the trunk... maybe not.

We'll see.

Kickass red wipers though, eh?

Windahmeah Manah

Now I'm a parttime porter and server at the Windermere Manor, a conference and banquet (primarily weddings) hall, restaurant and hotel in London. It's part of Research Park and is connected to the UWO, just north of UH on campus. I get to dress up, which something that I secretly enjoy doing. The people I work with are pretty great. Ought to be a good PT position while I'm at school.

We'll see.